Tarjei Boe
Tarjei ist einer der erfolgreichsten norwegischen Biathleten der letzten Jahre. Er ist sowohl Olympiasieger als auch mehrfacher Weltmeister. Bereits in der Saison 2010/2011 stieg er als jüngster Weltcup-Gesamtsieger in die Weltspitze auf. Er lebt in Oslo.

3 Fragen an Tarjei
What makes a house or apartment a home for you?
That I've been a part of putting it all together. Finding the right furniture, hanging up my art on the wall, and making it comfortable to live in. And then fill it up with friends and family.
Do you have any specific rituals or habits before a competition?
I try not to have any special rituals, so it get’s addictive. But I’m really into details, and almost never do any compromise when it comes to giving myself the best preparations.
What motivates you?
The fact that it's always something to improve. We're doing a sport that combines so many different skills, and it's difficult to master them all at the same time.
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