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Career at Jordan

Are you looking for a job that you enjoy and fulfils you? Discover our professional fields in which you can make your own contribution.

Putting our heart and soul into our work

Almost 1,600 employees guarantee first-class service and proximity to the customer

The capital of our company lies in our strong team: our team spirit is characterised by fairness, understanding, reliability and, among other things, respect in our daily dealings with one another. Strong teamwork and personal responsibility are among the key building blocks of our success. As a family business, we feel particularly committed to the well-being of our employees and their personal development. We regard our employees as part of our Jordan family, which is constantly growing from generation to generation.

Foto einer Beratungssituation in einem JOKA Showroom.

You too can contribute to our success story with your experience, ideas and goals! As an innovative, market-leading company, we offer a wide range of career opportunities in which you can realise your individual potential. We are looking for motivated trainees and committed employees in the areas of office work, field service, warehouse, driver and many more. Internships are also possible in various areas of the company.

Foto von drei Handwerkern in einer Werkstatt.
Foto eines schwarzen Autos, davor ist ein Mann zu sehen der gerade darin einsteigen möchte.
You want to be part of it?
Discover career opportunities at Jordan and become a "Jordanian" yourself. Whether in the commercial area, warehouse or as a driver: we are always looking for future colleagues who are motivated to continue growing with us!
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