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Logistics: on time and reliable

Our logistics at a glance

  • 24-hour availability of goods
  • Own fleet of 175 lorries
  • 60 connected locations
  • Over 3,000 connections
  • 1,000 customers supplied per day

How does the delivery work?

Each location has its own lorry fleet. We have a total of 175 lorries in the company that bring the goods to our customers. Every day, over 1,000 customers are supplied with around 500 tonnes of goods. Hats off to the guys who battle through the traffic every day to make sure the goods arrive on time: you benefit from an excellent network.

Landkarte in 2D von Deutschland, au welcher die Jordan Niederlassungen und Showrooms makiert sind.

Why is our company so efficient when it comes to logistics?

We are always working to ensure that our vehicle fleet is as efficient as possible. Especially in times like these, it's all about saving energy and therefore fuel. To this end, we use state-of-the-art vehicles with the latest control systems and are constantly optimising our route planning. So you can be sure that together we are conserving resources and making a positive contribution to climate protection.

Bild eines LKWs von der Seite, der gerade durch einen Gabelstapler in einer Lagerhallebeladen wird.

Do you know why the Jordan lorries are red?

Because we are as fast as the fire brigade! Our lorry drivers are the real wish-fillers: they are on duty all year round and deliver orders right up until shortly before Christmas. So you can be sure that you will always receive your goods quickly and on time.

Bild von mehrern LKW-Fahrerkabinen von der Seite.